Your Latest Plastic Bag Ban Update for The United States

Find Out Which Cities Have Banned Disposable Plastic Bags
The landscape of the bag ban movement is always changing. There are constantly new cities, counties and even states looking into banning single-use plastic bags. While there are a lot of recently approved bans, there are also several newcomers to the bag ban movement, and there are even governments looking to stop the spread of the movement. You can always learn what’s happening by checking out our plastic bag ban map. Keep reading to get the latest rundown.
Vermont Looking to Go Green
The Green Mountain State has made previous efforts to levy fees or outright ban single-use plastic bags, but have failed to find success. Vermont senators recently voted in favor of a proposal to ban single-use plastic bags from both retail establishments and restaurants. This law would also include a 10-cent fee on paper bags. The law still has to go through the rest of the process before it goes become official. The governor has expressed support for banning single-use plastic bags but has questioned if the paper bag fee is necessary.
Connecticut May Ban Plastic Bags
A recent flood of Connecticut cities banning single-use plastic bags has led to a proposal calling to ban plastic bags throughout the state. If passed, disposable plastic bags could be banned in Connecticut as early as January 2020. Connecticut has some competition from Massachusetts and South Carolina, but they could possibly be the third state to ban single-use plastic bags, behind California and New York, although New York’s ban will not go into effect until March 1, 2020.
When discussing state bag bans, it’s only right to mention Hawaii. Single-use plastic bags are banned throughout Hawaii; although, that is because each county passed a ban. Hawaii’s ban is not technically a state law.
Providence Giving It Another Go
Providence, Rhode Island was so incredibly close to implementing a single-use plastic bag ban, only for everything to fall apart at the last minute. Everything was ready to go pending the mayor’s signature, but instead of approving the law the mayor vetoed the ban in 2018. Officials have brought forth a new ban, which again, is close to passing.
Take-Two in Minneapolis
Another city looking to make things work on the second try is Minneapolis. An earlier law called to ban single-use plastic bags and impose a 5-cent fee on paper bags. Everything was in place, but a few days prior to the June 1, 2017 launch, a state bill preventing cities from passing plastic bag bans was approved. This law rendered Minneapolis’ bag ban void. Lately, officials in Minneapolis have taken action to bring about a law levying a 5-cent fee on single-use paper and plastic bags. The new law is still pending approval.
States Trying to Ban Bag Laws
While the bag ban movement continues to grow stronger in some areas, that is not the case in others. Tennessee is working to pass a law the would prohibit cities from banning disposable plastic bags. This proposal has made it through both the house and senate and only requires the governor’s signature to become official. Another state, Oklahoma, has approved a similar law, making it is illegal for cities and towns to pass laws imposing a fee on disposable bags.
Bag Ban Movement Coming to Ohio
Cuyahoga County is considering levying a 10-cent fee on disposable plastic bags. Interest in reducing plastic first started in Cuyahoga County several years ago and has lead to this proposal currently before the county council. If approved this will be the first law regulating plastic bags in Ohio.
Colorado Cities Reducing Plastic
Single-use plastic bags will be banned in Steamboat Springs starting in October of 2019. The ban also includes a 20-cent fee on paper bags. Another Colorado city, Fort Collins, hopes to join Steamboat Springs in reducing the use of single-use plastic bags. Residents in Fort Collins are attempting to add a disposable plastic bag ban to the ballot for the next election.
Go Reusable Now
Each and every one of these laws prohibiting or levying fees on single-use bags reduces trash and helps the environment. These efforts take a lot of work and dedication, and it’s nice to see people stand up to improve their homes and communities. Check back for more updates as we continue to track the bag ban movement. You can always get a rundown on the movement all over the world by looking at our bag ban map. As always, if you know of a location missing from the map – let us know so we can add it.