Your First 2021 Worldwide Plastic Bag Ban Update!

Learn About the Global Bag Ban Movement
There are always new and exciting developments when it comes to the effort to ban single-use plastic bags. While a lot is happening right here in the United States, there are also some big changes happening throughout the world.
You can learn more by checking out our interactive worldwide map of plastic bag bans and fees. This tool follows the bag ban movement and highlights not only the successes but the failed measures, as well.
Here is your first look at the worldwide plastic bag ban movement for 2021!
Washington Waiting to Implement Ban
A single-use plastic bag ban has been a long time coming in Washington, but it’s going to be a bit longer before this ban takes effect.
The ban was initially scheduled to go into action on the first day of 2021, but in response to the Coronavirus pandemic, officials have decided to delay the start date.
As of now, Washington’s single-use plastic bag ban is tentatively scheduled to begin on January 1, 2022.
Bag Ban Coming to Baltimore
The Baltimore City Council has been voted in favor of banning single-use plastic bags several times, but the measure always failed to gain final approval. All that has changed and disposable plastic bags will be banned in Baltimore starting July 9, 2021.
Scotland May Increase Bag Fee
In 2014, a 5 pence fee was imposed on single-use plastic bags in Scotland. The fee was intended to reduce the use of disposable plastic bags and the damaging effects of single-use plastic.
Officials are considering building on the success of the initial fee by increasing the amount to 10 pence.
Bags Bans in Shanghai
Single-use plastic bags are difficult to recycle and are very likely to end up as litter.
In an effort to address the litter issue, a single-use plastic bag ban was passed in Shanghai.
The bag ban went into action on January 1, 2021.
Vote Will Decide Ban in Fort Collins
Voters in Fort Collins will determine whether or not to ban single-use plastic bags.
Officials have been trying to get the issue on the ballot for almost two years. This April, the measure will go before voters. If the bag ban is approved, the measure could become effective as early as May 2022.
Help Spread the Movement
Single-use plastic bag bans are becoming more prevalent. This is good news for the planet and provides a way for people and businesses to make a difference and use less disposable plastic.
Did you know that your business can help show your support and inform people about the importance of banning plastic bags? You can add the plastic bag ban map to your blog or website!
We make it easy by providing code on our site that you can easily add to your site to help get the word out.
Take Your Business Greener This Year!
Your business can help support people impacted (or soon to be impacted) by single-use plastic bag bans. And remember, if a plastic bag ban is not in your area yet, one will be soon.
Your organization can create custom reusable bags and we can help.
We have learned a lot about how to efficiently create reusable bags in the last decade.
We make it our mission to help businesses and organizations reduce their environmental footprint and do business greener. We’ve worked with industry leaders, such as American Express, Bank of America, Carnival Cruise Lines, Pepsi, The Home Depot, Whole Foods, and so many more.
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