The Missing Piece to Businesses Going Green

Responsibly Managing All Resources
If you think that this is a post about using reusable shopping bags for marketing and retail use instead of plastic bags, you would be wrong. This is a post about one of the most exciting things we have heard about for businesses to help push their sustainability initiatives further, by recycling something they never thought they could. This is about plastic film recycling.
Going Reusable Vs. Recycling
Reducing the use of single-use items, like plastic bags will help your business and your customers go green. Less single-use plastic trash helps eliminate the waste heading for landfills or sent to recycling facilities. There are lots of times when durable, reusable items can replace single-use, disposable items.
However, it is not always possible or feasible to eliminate single-use plastic items. It is possible to responsibly manage how single-use plastic items are managed and handled after they have fulfilled their purpose. When plastic bags and other types of plastic film are recycled, these materials can be re-manufactured into something new and useful, which in turn can be recycled again, starting the process all over.
The thin plastic film may not seem like much of a troublemaker. Many recycling facilities are reluctant to accept thin film plastic because it can be a hassle to process. This type of material can easily jam up the processing equipment. When this happens the machinery needs to be brought down and the obstruction must be manually removed. This is time-consuming and just a hassle.
Since recycling thin plastic film has traditionally been difficult, many people opt to just toss this material into the trash out of desperation or just a need to get rid of it. The thin, compact nature may make it seem like no big deal. However, this plastic film can quickly pile up and overcome a landfill in a short time. Plastic in any form does not safely break down or biodegrade. Plastic, especially the film kind, will break apart into smaller pieces of plastic, but that does not eliminate the problem.
Easy Solution
There is a way to still use products made from plastic film, but not wreak environmental havoc. A viable recycling solution ensures the material is handled in an environmentally responsible way. Those materials are kept out of landfills and do not end up as litter, but are instead reprocessed into new materials that can be used and recycled again.
Take Your Business Green
Making sure to recycle plastic film streamlines waste and ensures recyclable materials are recaptured for use again. This site makes it easy to figure out how to handle any plastic film you have or collect from your customers, to help your business seriously go green. When used along with sustainable promotional products like reusable shopping bags, it is very possible and feasible for your business to go green and make a difference.
At Factory Direct Promos we have been very serious about going green and implementing sustainable business practices for almost 30 years. The only thing we like more than going green ourselves is helping our clients and their clients go green. Plastic film recycling is just one way your business can help the planet. Stay current with green news, developments, and tips by subscribing (top right column) to our newsletter.