Reusable Grocery Bag Facts

Get The Facts on Reusable Grocery Bags!
It is becoming more and more common to see folks bring their own reusable grocery bags when they shop and this is great! It makes us happy to see people do their part to help the planet; however, there are still a lot of people who do not use reusable grocery bags. In an effort to get more people on board with using reusable grocery bags we’ve rounded up some facts about reusable bags.
Reusable Grocery Bags Are Good for the Planet
One reusable grocery bag can do the work of hundreds if not thousands of single-use plastic bags so when you make the switch to a reusable bag you are drastically reducing the amount of disposable plastic bags unleashed on the world. In turn this translates into less litter and all of the environmental harm caused by single-use plastic bags. Reusable grocery bags completely alleviate the problems that stem from single-use plastic bags.
So Many Different Eco Materials Can Be Used to Make Reusable Grocery Bags
From sustainable materials like bamboo and cotton, to recycled materials like polypropylene, there is a lot of versatility when it comes to reusable shopping bags. While all materials are suitable and can be used to construct bags that get the job of toting groceries done, there are some differences.
For instance, given that bamboo and cotton fabrics are made from plant fiber that can be grown and harvested again and again bags constructed from these fabrics will be biodegradable and are very environmentally friendly. By comparison polypropylene is made from recycled plastic which is a great way to repurpose a material that would otherwise sit in a landfill or cause environmental harm. Different materials have different perks, so find the material and the bag that works for you.
Score an Amazing Return on Your Investment with Reusable Grocery Bags
Since reusable bags are just that, reusable, if you create custom branded bags and get these bags into your customer’s hands, they will spread the word about your brand for years to come. Reusable bags will not just convey your branding info, but they will also make a statement regarding your company’s stance on environmental issues while also helping the planet.
Reusable Grocery Bags Require Some Care
There is a slight maintenance requirement when using reusable grocery bags, which makes perfect since given that you wash a lot of the food you carry home in the bag. It is best to dedicate reusable bags for specific tasks, so always use the same bags to carry groceries and don’t substitute with the bags you use to carry items to work or your workout clothes home from the gym.
Use a permanent marker to label your bags if it helps you keep things straight. Routinely wash your reusable bags. Check out any labels to see if care instructions are listed; if not let the material dictate how you clean your reusable bag. When in doubt fill a sink with warm water and use antimicrobial soap to hand wash and line dry. Proper care will extend the life of your reusable bags and keep everything placed inside the bags clean and free from cross contamination.
Did We Miss Any Reusable Grocery Bag Facts?
From helping the planet by reducing plastic litter and utilizing sustainable and recycled materials reusable grocery bags are a smart choice. With some basic care and organization you can keep your bags in good condition for years and get a ton of use from them, and they are a fantastic marketing tool. What do you like about your reusable bags? Are there facts that didn’t make our list that you think should have gotten a mention? Let us know in the comments.