Our Top 10 Eco-Friendly Blog Posts of 2019

Find Out What Eco-Friendly News Trended This Year
Eco-friendly news and developments are happening all of the time and we strive to deliver this information and more in our blog. From the benefits of reusable shopping bags in terms of helping the planet and your business to breaking down why bag bans matter, how to create your own custom reusable bags and more there is a lot to cover. In the spirit of end-of-year recaps, we decided to look back at what content our readers clicked on the most to share our top 10 eco-friendly blog posts of 2019.
1. What are the Pros and Cons of Banning Plastic Bags?
Plastic bag bans are a dividing topic but like anything, there are two sides to the issue. In our most popular post from 2012, we outline What are the Pros and Cons of Banning Plastic Bags. This post has really stood the test of time as it is just as relevant today as it was when it was first published. While so much has changed regarding the bag ban movement, it turns out some things have stayed the same.
2. What is the Difference Between Woven and Non-Woven Polypropylene Bags?
One of the most commonly asked questions we receive is What is the Difference Between Woven and Non-Woven Polypropylene Bags? These materials have a lot in common, but they are also very different. We explain the differences of each material to help you understand how to select the right fabric for your custom reusable shopping bags.
3. What Are The Positives to Banning Plastic Bags?
Plastic bag bans certainly take some getting used to, but they have a lot to offer. There are various economic and environmental ramifications that all contribute to the overall impact of a ban. Are you wondering What Are the Positives to Banning Plastic Bags? Then check out this post to learn more.
4. What Are The Effects of Banning Plastic Bags?
A lot of times the conversation around banning plastic bags revolves around what happens when we use plastic bags. But What Are the Effects of Banning Plastic Bags? What happens when plastic bags are no longer handed out and in circulation? We have the answers.
5. The Two Sides of The Plastic Bag Ban Debate
In The Two Sides of The Plastic Bag Ban Debate, we succinctly explain both sides of the issue. There are plenty of reasons why single-use plastic bags should be banned, but what are the drawbacks of banning plastic bags? You’ll have to give this post a read to find out.
6. What are the Negatives to Banning Plastic Bags?
A whole lot of work goes into banning disposable plastic bags. Seriously, years can pass from the first suggestion to actual implementation. You may wonder if the work is worth the results and what about the full impact of bag bans. In What are the Negatives to Banning Plastic Bags we explain what really happens when plastic bags are banned.
7. What Are the Negative Impacts of Plastic Bag Bans?
Not to dwell on the negative but in another effort to really break down what happens when a bag ban goes into action, we wrote What Are the Negative Impacts of Plastic Bag Bans? Plastic bags can be convenient and they create manufacturing jobs so are bag bans really necessary?
8. Positive and Negative Impacts of Existing Plastic Bag Bans
Instead of just writing about concepts, we look into real-life examples of actual plastic bag bans in the post, Positive and Negative Impacts of Existing Plastic Bag Bans. For each location, we look at what really happened in the communities directly impacted by bans to get a better understanding of the aftermath of a bag ban.
9. What Are The Positive Impacts of Plastic Bag Bans?
Bag bans are supposed to reduce plastic, but why does that matter? Find out what less plastic means for communities and resource management in What Are The Positive Impacts of Plastic Bag Bans?
10. Answering the 4 Most Pressing Questions About Plastic Bag Bans
Lots of questions swirl around plastic bag bans. We want to help you understand the ins and outs of banning bags, and that’s why we wrote the post titled Answering the 4 Most Pressing Questions About Plastic Bag Bans.
Your Source for Eco-Friendly News
Do you notice a theme above? We are passionate about helping the planet through reusable bags and we love to help our customers do the same. Through all of these blog posts from over the years, we hope to help you and all of our readers understand the issues behind using plastic bags and find easy changes you can work into your lives to make a difference. This has been one of our major goals since we were founded over 10 a decade ago.
If you want to learn more about certified reusable bags or if you are ready to design your own bag for marketing then we are here to help!