How to EASILY Start a Recycling Program for Your Apartment Complex

Step-By-Step Instructions to Boost Recycling for YOUR Apartment Complex
Recycling is a challenge in apartments and other types of multi-family dwellings. Some apartment complexes simply fail to have receptacles to collect items for recycling. Other facilities may be able to accommodate recycling, but they do not have a system in place or conduct the necessary outreach for tenants to understand what they need to do.
As more cities crack down on streamlining their waste stream there is an increased emphasis placed on recycling. Whatever the setback, here is what you need to do to start a recycling program at your apartment complex.
1. Create a Plan with Management
Before anything can happen, you need to get managers and possibly even owners on board. Address your concerns and come prepared to discuss possible solutions. Many property managers or building owners may want to implement an effective recycling system, but they are not sure how to do it, so starting the conversation can be a great way to start the process.
2. Bring In a Recycling Dumpster
Depending on your situation, reach out to your local waste management program, city officials or the private company that handles trash pickup. Request a dumpster or community collection bins dedicated to recyclables for your complex. Your property manager or building owner may have the necessary contact information or be better suited to make this request.
The recycling dumpster should be located near the garbage dumpster. Many people will drop off recyclables while also taking out their trash, so both dumpsters should be located near each other to make recycling easy for tenants. The dumpster should be clearly labeled, so tenants understand it is designated for recyclables and not garbage.
3. Create Reusable Recycling Bags
Once you have a destination for tenants to bring their recyclables, you need an easy way for people to transports items to this dumpster. Reusable recycling bags are the solution. Tenants can use these reusable bags to collect cans, jars and other items for recycling. Design your own custom reusable recycling bags and distribute them among tenants. The bags are a cost-effective solution that can be built into the cost of rent for each tenant or added as a simple recycling fee. Emphasize to the complex managers and owners that these bags can be purchased for under $1..
Effective Design
The dual handles mean tenants can easily hang these bags in their kitchen or a closet or anyplace close by. These handles also make easy work of carrying the bag to the recycling dumpster. A convenient handle on the bottom makes it easy to completely empty the contents of the bag into a dumpster.
Useful Information
You can also print instructions and other handy information directly on the reusable recycling bag, making each bag a helpful resource. Include a list of common recyclable items, a phone number or web address tenants can use to learn more or find answers to questions.
In addition to the information printed on the bags, be prepared to conduct outreach to educate tenants about the new apartment complex recycling program. Post signs, make sure yourself or the property manager or someone with an understanding of the system is available to answer questions.
Get Started
Setting up a recycling program in your apartment complex can help you and your neighbors go green while having a positive impact on your community and the place you call home. These simple-to-follow steps make it easy to start your own recycling program and we’re here to help!
With almost 30 years in the business, we have simplified the design and manufacturing process. Reach out to learn more about how easy it is to customize your very own reusable recycling bags.