How to Make Recycling in Apartments Easy

An Easy Solution to a Tricky Problem
Recycling and apartment living typically do not go together. For a variety of reasons, recycling in apartments is hard, which means recycling programs are not widely adopted if a program is even implemented. The problem with apartments and recycling is about to disappear thanks to our reusable recycling bags. Begin With The Bag is a game-changer and is already making recycling easy for tenants all across the U.S. Find out how these reusable recycling bags address all of the issues that prevent recycling programs from being implemented in many apartments.
Understanding the Problem
People are reluctant to do something when it’s difficult. This makes sense because if people have to go out of their way to do something maybe they’ll do it some of the time, but it likely won’t become a habit. People form habits when the necessary steps and actions are easy.
The main setback that makes recycling in apartments challenging is the lack of convenience. Most apartments have a central location where tenants can bring their recyclables. This may be a dumpster or a dedicated bin in a common area. If there is no easy way for tenants to store and carry bottles, cans, broken down boxes and other items to be recycled from their apartment to the collection point, they probably won’t do it.
Addressing the Root Issue
Reusable recycling bags make recycling in apartments easy, by providing a space to store items and a way to carry items from an apartment to a collection bin or dumpster. These reusable bags can be hung on a doorknob, coat rack or in a pantry or closet. Tenants can toss empty jars and cans and other items in the bag and when the bag is full, they can carry it to the collection bin. This simple solution makes easy work of recycling, which means more tenants are likely to recycle.
Advantages of Reusable Recycling Bags
Reusable recycling bags are built to make recycling easy. Each feature was carefully designed to create a bag that easily assists and helps tenants recycle. Some of the features and benefits of these bags include:
– Durable construction for repeated use.
– Water-resistant material contains messes and spills.
– Dual handles slip onto a shoulder for hands-free carrying.
– Bottom handle to easily empty the contents into a dumpster or collection bin.
– The printable surface can be customized with instructions and helpful information.
Customizable Design
Our reusable recycling bags feature an effective and proven design that will help renters to recycle. The ability to print contact and other relevant info, recycling FAQs and more directly on the bag make them valuable and helpful tools. However, these bags can be customized beyond the printed artwork. Everything about the design can be altered, so if you have an idea to improve on the design to better serve your tenants, we can make that happen. The more effective and useful the design, the more likely renters will use it to recycle.
Create Your Own Reusable Recycling Bags
Are you ready to get to your completely customized reusable recycling bags working in your apartment complex and for the planet? Visit Begin With The Bag for more information or reach out now to Factory Direct Promos to get the help you need.