How To Build a Purpose Driven Business?

5 Part Series on The Purpose Driven Business: Part 5 – How To Build a Purpose Driven Business?
We’ve already discussed what a purpose driven business is, how this benefits your workplace and the leverage purpose gives your brand with specific demographics in our series on the purpose driven business. In our final installment we are going to break down how to build a purpose driven business.
Start At the Beginning
During the interview process, evaluate the prospect’s objectives. Do they genuinely appear to agree with your company’s purpose, or at do they appear to agree with the notion of having a purpose and doing good?
Candidates who are engaged with your company’s purpose will succeed and bring value to your team. Prospects who are not concerned with your company’s purpose or the idea of making the world a better place, may lose interest in the position and the brand; they may move on the greener pastures when the opportunity presents itself.
Your team is an integral part of your brand’s success. To build a purpose driven business, you need build a team that is motivated and dedicated to having a purpose.
Let Your Team Shine
Put your team members in positions to maximize their abilities and passions. Find out what your colleagues are interested in and what they like to do. Whenever possible give people tasks or responsibilities that tie in their interests. This practice will keep employees engaged and allow team members to express and enjoy personal interests in a work environment.
Teach by Example
Give employees the opportunity to share their personal purpose with the team. By explaining how they move forward both inside and outside of the office, and how personal fulfillment helps motivate them in the workplace team members may motivate others to follow their lead. This is very useful as a team building experience. It also allows people the chance to learn and hopefully guides them to find parallels in their lives that motivate them in their personal and professional lives.
Is YOUR Work Purpose Driven?
There is so much value into creating and fostering a purpose driven business. Everyone around Factory Direct Promos (FDP) knows this to be true. We work each day with a purpose to save our planet by helping businesses green up consumers through the use of custom reusable bags for retail and marketing. It matters to us that the work we do is making a difference to so many
I learned a lot while working on this series and I hope you have enjoyed reading these posts. If you have, please share with your network on social media and thank you so much for taking time to stop by FDP.