Here’s How to Create Reusable Shopping Bags That Work to Market Your Brand

Your Reusable Shopping Bags Should Make a Marketing Statement That Builds Relationships and Leads to Sales
The whole point of creating reusable shopping bags is not just to help our planet by reducing the use of single-use plastic bags. You also want to make reusable shopping bags work to market your brand. To do that, you want to take the time to design a bag that will be wanted and used by your target market. Here’s how to make reusable shopping bags work to market your brand or retail outlet.
1. Create Something Fully Custom and Full Color
Some of the most beautiful and sought after bags we have done for clients and for our own marketing, are full color and completely custom. Think outside the box, or maybe in this instance you should think outside the bag, and stop thinking of hyping YOUR brand and think of your customer.
There are plenty of ways to incorporate your branding while offering a full color reusable shopping bag that your customers will want to grab before any other. If you are a grocery store, why not place a full color image of a family on a picnic enjoying your food, or for a clothing designer why not a beautiful, full color image of your latest designs on the catwalk. You get my idea, grab your customer’s attention with something full color and unique that they can relate to and love, and they will reward you by acting as your walking billboard.
2. Create Seasonal Bags
This will keep people coming back for the next bag. You don’t have to stick with the season specifically. You can create a new bag for new products or important holidays. If you attend a specific trade show each year or host an event come out with a new bag to feature as a take away each year.
Feature your custom designed limited run bag on your blog and social media accounts to build awareness and get people interested. If you create a feeling of exclusivity and make the bag custom designed to your target market, people will line up to get your bag, and make a point to come back each year to get the latest bag.
3. Create Specialized Reusable Shopping Bags
Create reusable shopping bags that are more convenient than the typical bag. Insulated cooler bags keep cold groceries chilled on the way home during warm months. They can even be used to protect delicate produce items during transport in the winter. A bag with a useful purpose and lots of function will be a favorite with your customers, and the more they like it the more they will use it.
We have been helping customers take the worry out of choosing a reusable bag manufacturer for over 20 years and we still get excited about designing each new bag. It takes a little thought to create a reusable shopping bag that will really speak to your target market. You can customize your bag today, or contact us for help creating the perfect reusable shopping bag.