Help Customers Go Green with Reusable Shopping Bags

Plastic bag bans have been around in the U.S. for over a decade. The plastic bag ban movement has had successes and setbacks and become a global endeavor. We have been tracking the bag ban movement across the world for years. A lot has happened, from bans in cities to the success of fees and even statewide bans. Disposable plastic bag use continues to decline, and your customers still need a way to carry their groceries. Help your customers by providing reusable shopping bags.
Bag Ban Success
Reports indicate that plastic bag bans and fees are successful methods to reduce single-use plastic bag use. Disposable plastic has a tremendous impact on the environment. Discarded plastic clogs waterways and drainage systems, negatively impacts the food chain, and is an eyesore. Single-use plastic bags also have low recycling rates, so replacing disposable bags with reusable shopping bags is the most effective solution.
Rise of Reusable Shopping Bags
The growing popularity of reusable shopping bags is partly due to bans and fees. In some areas, shoppers need reusable bags. However, many consumers choose to go reusable to lessen their environmental impact. Whether your customers live in an area with a ban or a fee or if they simply choose to ditch disposable in favor of reusable, there is an ever-increasing demand for reusable grocery bags.
How to Include Reusable Shopping Bags in Your Marketing Strategy
Reusable shopping bags have a significant impact on your marketing. Most people shop weekly, so at least once each week, your customers will use your custom bag and put your branding info on display. This constant reminder will keep your brand relevant to your customers, but it also exposes your brand to other shoppers and store employees. A single reusable bag can deliver thousands of impressions!
You can distribute reusable shopping bags to your customers in many ways. Give them away at events like trade shows and local events like festivals and farmer’s markets. Custom reusable bags can be used as gift bags for participants in a charity run or other community events. Reusable items can have a big impact at a community level, and a well-designed bag will catch people’s attention.
Printing your logo and branding information on the front of the bag effectively spreads your message, but you can alter the bag’s design further. Design a bag that speaks to your brand and appeals to your customers. Your customers will appreciate the thoughtful bag, making it their go-to bag when they head to the store.
Go Reusable
Reusable items are effective marketing items because they get plenty of use, which means your brand gets lots of exposure. We can help you create a custom reusable shopping bag your customers want. Reusable grocery bags are good for the planet and help your brand build customer relationships. Check out our selection of reusable bags to find the correct item for your brand. All of our items can be customized to represent your business best.
We’ve been helping our customers create custom reusable products for over a decade, and we want to help you, too! Call us at 866-222-0949 or shop our full line of eco-friendly promotional marketing items and get your custom quote.