Come With Us As We Visit Our Custom Reusable Bags Factory in China

Inside our factory in China.
Our Recent Trip to China Served to Strengthen Relationships and Guarantee Quality and Low Factory Direct Pricing On Your Custom Reusable Bags
Recently, our very own Beth Wilkerson, Factory Direct Promos Production Manager, and Bill English, CEO of SBS Brands (FDP’s parent company) took a trip to our factory in China. The plan was to meet face to face with the folks at the factory, make sure all was well, check out new products and designs, and insure our relationship is strong in order to offer you our best quality and factory direct pricing. It was a great visit, we gained some valuable insight into the day-to-day operations at the factory and we’ve even got some photos to share that offer a peek inside the factory.

This was one of the products being “rolled out” at the Canton Fair in Guangzhou and Bill had to take it for a spin.
All Work and All Fun
Bill and Beth met a lot of great people, had the chance to put faces to the names and really got to know a lot of the folks at the factory who we work with every day. In addition to touring the factory and learning about the facility, Bill also had the chance to test drive a Segway-type device, and as he explained, “This is one of the products being “rolled out” at the Canton Fair in Guangzhou. They were giving folks test drives (not so many lawyers here…).”
Our Factory Direct Model
We pride ourselves on the quality of our product because that is our legacy and that is what delivers the return on your investment. Durable materials and superior construction ensure our reusable bags hang in there for years of dependable use. This means that your customers will be able to use your branded bag again and again and the more they use your bag the more familiar and engrained your marketing message will become for your customers, and the more exposure your brand will receive. In order for this to work out though we need to deliver a well-made product.
We do all that we can to develop our relationships in China to insure Factory Direct Pricing and quality. Keeping the lines of communication open allows us to have an honest and efficient relationship with our factory. We take our bond with our factory very serious – we constantly work with our factory to make sure we are all on the same page and continuously striving to deliver quality products as quickly as possible.

Here’s a photo of Bill and Beth with one of our factory General Managers following our meeting in which they reviewed our quality standards and our current level of production.
“We attended three trade shows in China.” explains Beth. “Here’s a photo of us with one of our factory General Managers following our meeting in which we reviewed our quality standards and our current level of production. We also discussed how we can better serve our customers and meet their needs.”
We Ensure Factory Direct Pricing for You
If you want to learn more about buying factory direct and working with us to get your very own customized reusable bags, get a quick quote by filling out the orange form in the upper left of this page or if you have questions about the design process give us a call at 866.222.0949 or contact us via email here. We will answer any questions you might have.