Our Top 10 Eco-Friendly Blog Posts of 2019

Our Top 10 Eco-Friendly Blog Posts of 2019

Find Out What Eco-Friendly News Trended This Year Eco-friendly news and developments are happening all of the time and we strive to deliver this information and more in our blog. From the benefits of reusable shopping bags in terms of helping the planet and your business to breaking down why bag bans matter, how to […]

Recycling Legislation Introduced in Congress Supports Educational Outreach

Recycling Legislation Introduced in Congress Supports Educational Outreach

Big Changes Potentially Coming to the Recycling Industry Recently introduced legislation could make a huge difference in recycling rates throughout the U.S. Two pieces of legislation are calling for increased funding and outreach to improve and expand recycling efforts. If passed, these laws could have a major impact on the waste management industry and the […]

Bags for Recycling Help Educate Tenants and Increase Recycling Rates

Bags for Recycling Help Educate Tenants and Increase Recycling Rates

Learn the Secret Hack to Simplify Recycling Recycling is advantageous because it keeps materials with plenty of life and function left in them out of landfills. As landfills are filling up and reaching capacity, recycling is a viable solution. However, recycling isn’t always easy; particularly for people living in apartments and multi-family dwellings. Bags for […]

What Are Certified Reusable Bags?

What Are Certified Reusable Bags?

#GoReusableNow with The Confidence of Certified Reusable Bags The State of California works hard to go green, and a lot of that work falls to the Department of Resources, Recycling, and Recovery, known as CalRecycle. This agency helps residents of the Golden State conserve resources and recycle more. Conservation is a serious business at CalRecycle […]

Why Did India Delay Their Plastic Bag Ban?

Why Did India Delay Their Plastic Bag Ban?

India Still Working to Reduce Single-Use Plastic India uses about 14 million tons of plastic each year, so it was big news when the Indian government announced plans to ultimately eliminate single-use plastic items. There are certainly plenty of reasons to ban single-use plastic, but actually doing so proved to be a significant challenge for […]

Putting Recycling Bags to Work in Apartments

Putting Recycling Bags to Work in Apartments

Reusable Recycling Bags Work for Apartments and Multi-Family Dwellings Recycling in apartments sounds easy enough, but oftentimes it is anything but easy. Lack of organization and outreach leaves tenants unsure of what to do while property management is stuck trying to coordinate the logistics of implementing and enforcing a recycling program. Recycling is beneficial for […]

States Ban The Bag: States on the Verge of Plastic Bag Bans

States Ban The Bag: States on the Verge of Plastic Bag Bans

A Look at the States Trying to Ban Bags Passing bag bans is hard work. A lot of planning and organizing goes into the ban. The people behind all of the bag bans featured in our #StatesBanTheBag series know this first hand. The people currently working to ban bags in several other states know this, […]

States Ban the Bag: Beautiful Oregon Bans Bags and More!

States Ban the Bag: Beautiful Oregon Bans Bags and More!

Beaver State Goes Green Oregon is the sixth state to ban single-use plastic bags and make the move to bags that can be reused. Given the strong ties many residents feel to the environment and the pull of the natural beauty of the Beaver State, it is no surprise this ban was approved. For this […]

States Ban the Bag: Connecticut Joins the List

States Ban the Bag: Connecticut Joins the List

Bag Ban to Become Effective in 2021 State lawmakers in Connecticut knew something had to be done about the influx of single-use plastic bags that were littering their home state. While there was much debate about bans and fees, a push to use reusable shopping bags was taken this past June. Connecticut is now the […]

States Ban the Bag: Vermont Escalated Things Quickly

States Ban the Bag: Vermont Escalated Things Quickly

The Green Mountain State Goes Green Vermont was the fourteenth state to join the U.S., and the fourth state to pass a state-wide ban on single-use plastic bags. For a state known for environmental initiatives and striving to have a positive impact on the planet, Vermont largely stayed out of the bag ban movement. All […]

States Ban the Bag: New York State of Mind

States Ban the Bag: New York State of Mind

The New York State of Mind Goes Green New York was a relative latecomer to the bag ban movement. A few cities and towns passed or attempted to pass, single-use plastic bag bans, but things never really took off. At least, not the way things quickly grew in places like California and even in Massachusetts. […]

States Ban the Bag: Hawaii – What IS The Law of The Land?

States Ban the Bag: Hawaii – What IS The Law of The Land?

Going Green in Paradise The stunning, natural beauty of Hawaii is breathtaking and completely part of the history and culture of this archipelago. The tranquil and fierce beauty is prized and respected by locals and a major draw for the booming tourism industry. When trash, particularly plastic bag litter, began to mar these beautiful islands […]

States Ban the Bag: California – The Movement Begins

States Ban the Bag: California – The Movement Begins

A Look Back at The California Bag Ban California officially started the plastic bag ban movement in the United States. The movement first got underway in 2007 and in 2016 voters decided to up the ante with a state-wide ban. In this installment of #StatesBanTheBag, we analyze the evolution of the bag ban movement in the […]

States Ban the Bag!

States Ban the Bag!

More States Going Green with Plastic Bag Bans Single-use plastic bag bans have steadily been gaining in popularity. What started out as one ban in San Francisco has spread to cities, counties and more recently, entire states. We decided to take a more in-depth look at recent efforts taken at the state level. We are […]