8 Creative Ways to Celebrate Earth Day from Your Home Office

Small Ways to Celebrate the Day
Earth Day is coming up tomorrow, Wednesday, April 22, 2020. Earth Day was founded in 1970 and it is a celebration of the planet and a show of support for measures designed to protect the Earth. There are lots of ways you can demonstrate your love of the planet to commemorate Earth Day while you work from home.
1. Pat Yourself On The Back
Make a list of your eco-accomplishments over the last year. From reducing wish-cycling to planting a tree or turning off the water when you brush your teeth to switching to reusable bags and everything in between. Many of these changes may seem small, but small changes can deliver big results. Taking an inventory of all of the ways you have worked to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle can be rewarding and gratifying.
2. Looking Ahead
Think of ways that your business can market in the upcoming year in an eco-friendly way that will touch people. Offering eco-friendly promotional items is a great way to help your customers while also helping the planet.
3. Send a Message
Send a video message to someone in your company or a special customer that you admire for their green living attitude or eco-friendly manner. Let them know how they have influenced you to live greener and thank them. This unexpected and positive outreach can be particularly thoughtful since a lot of people are isolating and have much less contact than normal. And unlike a phone call (which is also a great idea), a video message can be played again and again by your recipient creating lasting goodwill and memories. You could even tag them and post the video on social media.
4. Get Set to Recycle
Wherever your home office is located, be sure to have a “home office recycling center” set up. It can be as simple as having a box or bin where you can toss your items into or you can even get fancy with convenient reusable recycling bags for your entire work from home staff.
5. Cut it Out!
If you are not using it, turn it off! This goes for lights, TVs and more. Turning off electronics when they are not in use can significantly reduce your electricity usage. If you haven’t done so already then make the switch to energy-efficient light bulbs.
6. Here Comes The Sun
Depending upon where you are and the rules in your community due to COVID-19, get outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. What better way to commemorate Mother Earth than to actually enjoy what she has to offer.
7. Spread Cheer
Put your arts and crafts skills to use to create a sign commemorating Earth Day to hang in a window. You can simply wish anyone who can see the sign a good day. If you have a window visible to sanitation workers you can create a sign thanking them for their hard work.
8. Create a Quiz
See how much your coworkers know about recycling by creating a quiz to test their knowledge. Keep it short, but ask questions about what can and cannot be recycled and how to go about recycling items like electronics and batteries. Tally the results and share the correct answers with everyone, so any coworkers who are not recycling savvy can learn more. You can give a small prize to the winner or maybe just let them have bragging rights.
We’re Here to Help
This Earth Day will be very different from previous years, but you can still take a moment to appreciate the planet and look for ways to go green. Find more ideas about ways to commemorate Earth Day by checking out these ideas from our friends at Waste Advantage Magazine.
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