5 Strategies for Marketing That Works for Millennials

Marketing to Millennials? Here’s What You Need to Know
The most basic description of Millennials are people born between the years 1977 and 1995,
but that’s really just the beginning of everything there is to know when it comes to this dominant demographic. Millennials are on the verge of accounting for one third of all retail spending and will soon make up 50 percent of the workforce.
This diverse group finds common ground in their love and dependence on technology and they thrive on information. Social media is the perfect vehicle for Millennials to share their thoughts and experiences, and interact with the world.
Marketing to Millennials? Here Are 5 Things You Need to Know
- The Selfie Generation – Appeal to their sense of self. Millennials like to interact with brands and feel connected, but simply posting to social media accounts isn’t enough. Brands need to interact with Millennials by liking and retweeting their comments and engaging in conversation. It is important to develop a rapport and to work constantly to maintain this relationship.
- Get Personal – Make it personalized. A marked difference in marketing to Millennials compared to previous generations is the diversity of the group. Appealing to Millennials’ sense of individuality and conceit endears your brand, but also reassures this group that they are seen, accepted and appreciated.
Create Social Value – Do something good. A successful brand needs to be more than the products or services they provide. Brands need to do the right thing and support a cause. Donate time, products or money. Reach out to Millennials via social media platforms, your website and even inserts included with orders explaining who you are helping, what you do to help and why you choose to help.
- Go Green. Studies have shown that sales increase when products are labeled as eco or sustainable. Millennials want to help the planet, and one way of doing this is by supporting companies that help the planet. Beware though because Millennials are also on the lookout for greenwashing. Insincere attempts or false statements surrounding green practices, and even a lack of eco habits will earn the wrath of Millennials, and they will be sure to take to the Internet to alert their networks of any failed efforts or misdeeds.
- Get Digital – They are digital natives. Millennials have grown up with technology and are very comfortable with mobile devices. They are used to sharing their thoughts and ideas online and they seek out theopinions of their peer group when it comes to making purchasing decisions. It is pivotal to reach Millennials in a manner that makes them comfortable. Brands need to be well versed in different media platforms and it is very important to be timely. Millennials expect instant and real-time responses.
Millennials Make Us Do Better
Earning the support of Millennials is an ongoing endeavor. This group has a large presence and they will only become more dominant in the future. By appealing to Millennials as individuals, in a personalized way, creating social value, going green and utilizing digital forums you can reach them in a meaningful way that will benefit your brand and do some good.
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