11 Twitter Profiles to Follow for Trade Show Marketing News

Follow These Profiles to Sharpen Your Trade Show Marketing Strategy!
Properly planning for a trade show requires a fresh perspective. Marketers are expected to stay two steps ahead when preparing a trade show booth. Hearing the voice of your customers, both the ones you already have and the ones you hope to reach, goes a long way.
One of the ways we keep our finger on the pulse of trade show marketing is through social media. Here are 12 Twitter profiles that we look to for new tips, tricks, and event information.
1. George Sirius (@georgesirius)
George is a good person to follow on Twitter because of his expertise in the trade show marketing space. As the CEO of Eventsforce, he’s dedicated to helping companies use technology to execute successful events.
Follow George Sirius at https://twitter.com/georgesirius
2. Exhibition World (@ExhibitionWorld)
This U.K.-based magazine provides followers with breaking news and features that focus on the global exhibition and trade show community.
Follow Exhibition World at https://twitter.com/ExhibitionWorld
3. Trade Show Executive (@tradeshowexec)
This trade show marketing magazine focuses on providing trade show and event executives with news, insights, and tools. They post fresh resources on a daily basis for their followers to enjoy.
Follow Trade Show Executive at https://twitter.com/tradeshowexec
4. Dave Lutz (@VelChain)
Dave is the leader of Velvet Chainsaw Consulting. His Tweets focus on creating personalized and positive experiences for customers at conferences and trade shows.
Follow Dave Lutz at https://twitter.com/VelChain
5. Exhibitor Mag (@EXHIBITOR)
Exhibitor Magazine focuses on sharing the best practices in trade shows and events with their followers. Outside of sharing resources, they also create conversations for trade show marketers to partake in.
Follow Exhibitor Mag at https://twitter.com/EXHIBITOR
6. Trade Show News Network (@TSNN_com_US)
The Trade Show News Network (TSNN) has been a leading trade show marketing resource for 20 years. Their feed explores all of the aspects that go into running a strong trade show booth.
Follow TSNN at https://twitter.com/TSNN_com_US
7. PRO Expo Exhibits (@PROExpoExhibits)
On this trade show firm’s Twitter feed, you will find expert opinions on all the aspects of trade show marketing. They have you covered from design to marketing.
Follow PRO Expo Exhibits at https://twitter.com/PROExpoExhibits
8. Justin @ MYS (@MapYourShow)
Map Your Show, an event management software company provides their followers with plenty of fresh content for trade show marketers to enjoy. They keep followers updated with live updates from trade shows along with sharing an occasional blog post.
Follow Map Your Show at https://twitter.com/MapYourShow
9. Trade Show Joe (@tradeshowjoe)
This social media feed features customer-focused content that takes a look at the trade show marketing industry and the different aspects that make it up. Some of the topics that are touched upon are sustainable products, content, and how to communicate with customers.
Follow Trade Show Joe at https://twitter.com/tradeshowjoe
10. The Core Blog (@TheCoreBlog)
The Core Blog is a useful source for fresh produce and floral professionals to get news, resources and inspiration for their marketing endeavors. On their social feed, you will find advice that focuses on brand messaging, social media, and various trade show tips.
Follow The Core Blog at https://twitter.com/TheCoreBlog
11. Event 360 (@Event360)
As event management specialists, they fill their social feeds with content that can help you build a smart, impactful event from the ground up. They often focus on brand loyalty and customer engagement.
Follow Event 360 at https://twitter.com/Event360
The Bottom Line
Keeping an eye on the conversation that surrounds trade show marketing on a frequent basis helps any marketer stay ahead of the competition. Follow our Twitter list of these trade show marketing pros to stay up to date with trends and gain some interesting insight along the way. While you are at it, feel free to give us a follow too at @FactoryDPromos.
You can get your next event started by browsing our jumbo eco-friendly trade show bag or contacting Factory Direct Promos today.