10 Marketing Quotes To Live By

Ten of the best tips and quotes from the greatest minds in marketing
10 Marketing Quotes to Help Guide and Inspire You
Marketing is, in large part, about motivating people to engage with a brand, but what is a marketing professional to do when they just don’t feel inspired? Words have a lot of power and sometimes the right words, from the right people, can help you refocus and reignite your passion for marketing.
Top 10 Inspirational Marketing Quotes
- “Whether B2B or B2C, I believe passionately that good marketing essentials are the same. We all are emotional beings looking for relevance, context and connection.” – Beth Comstock
- “If you’re a good marketing person, you have to be a little crazy.” – Jim Metcalf
- “Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them, more able to get where they’d like to go.” – Seth Godin
- “Relationships are like muscle tissue… the more they are engaged, the stronger and more valuable they become.” – Ted Rubin
- “The secret to social media success is to think and act like a member first, and a marketer second.” – Mari Smith
- “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” – Simon Sinek
- “If your stories are all about your products and services, that’s not storytelling. It’s a brochure. Give yourself permission to make the story bigger.” – Jay Baer
- “A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is.” – Scott Cook
- “Money coming in says I’ve made the right marketing decisions.” – Adam Osborne
- “In marketing I’ve seen only one strategy that can’t miss – and that is to market to your best customers first, your best prospects second and the rest of the world last.” – John Romero
Your Turn…
What was our favorite quote from the list above? Do you have a favorite marketing quote that didn’t make our list? What words of wisdom on marketing would you like to share? We’d love to hear from you. Please feel free to share your favorite marketing quotes to inspire in the comments below!