10 Inspirational Quotes to Get You Back to Work After COVID-19 Quarantine

Find Your Motivation to Take Care of Business
The COVID-19 quarantine impacted just about every business in one form or another. As states are opening back up and everyone is getting used to going back to work it can be hard to adjust and stay motivated. While it is exciting to get back to some degree of normal, it can also be nerve-wracking as things are different and we all need to figure out how to navigate this post-Coronavirus world.
We get it because we are right there with you. To help you and your team stay motivated we rounded up these 10 inspirational quotes for you and your team as you head back to work after the COVID-19 quarantine.
1. “In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” – Sun Tzu
New beginnings are a chance to make things right and make things better. Heading back to work may feel like chaos, but try not to look at it that way. You now have the advantage of having taken a step back, so you can now approach your work with a fresh perspective. Look at this as an opportunity to improve systems and processes and build a stronger team.
2. “What you do today can improve all of your tomorrows.” – Ralph Marston
Everything you do builds upon everything you have already done. So the small changes and improvements you make today will make tomorrow easier and enable you to continue to grow and improve.
3. “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right.’’ – Napoleon Hill
Instead of worrying about making sure everything is perfect, give it your best. You can miss out on a lot of great opportunities if you try to wait for perfection.
4. “The future depends on what you do today.” – Mahatma Gandhi
We will get through this and we will find a way to continue on in a safe and responsible manner. Going back to work and taking the time and precautions to ensure we do the best job we can is just one way we can ensure we have a brighter future.
5. “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” – John Lennon
Such a simple quote from such an inspiring man. It may seem overwhelming as you go back into the workplace after working from home. Don’t worry, this quote from John Lennon reminds us that things will work out just fine.
6. “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey
It does not matter what has happened to you during the quarantine. What matters is what lies ahead of you and what that will look like is completely and entirely up to you.
7. “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” – William James
In today’s crazy world it can sometimes seem that small actions may not make an impact on anything important. This quote reminds us that we matter as to all of our actions.
8. “It’s OK to not be OK.” – Ed Sheeran
Don’t worry if every single day as you weave your life back into working 9 to 5 doesn’t feel like you’re doing okay. Give yourself some time to adjust to the new reality as we work our way back to normal.
9. “Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.” – Marie Curie
As you head back into the workplace, take time to educate yourself on the facts around COVID-19. Have a discussion with your HR department in order to ensure that you have the PPE your business needs for coronavirus so you’re comfortable each and every day in your workplace.
10. “Whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.” – Paulo Coelho
If working from home has you thinking that going back to work is not what is best for you and your circumstances, you owe it to yourself to find a way to do what makes you happy.
Let’s Do This Together
We hope you found inspiration in these quotes. We find inspiration each day in working with organizations to help them market greener for our planet and her people. Plastic is bad for the planet, but your dedication to doing right and making changes for the better is what has been keeping us motivated to help for over a decade.
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