What Are Recyclable Bags?

What Exactly Are Recyclable Bags?
It can be tough to find an answer when you Google “what are ‘recyclable bags’,” but when creating custom reusable shopping bags for marketing and retail use, it is an important question to answer. Reusable bags are a great promotional marketing tool because they are eco-friendly and will last for many years of marketing. Still, once the bag has lived its usefulness, you want to be sure that the bag you created can be easily tossed into the recycling bin and not the landfill. Here are easy to remember tips when choosing your promotional bags.
Plastic Bags are NOT Recyclable Bags for Your Bin
Many retailers and marketers still use thick high-density polyethylene bags. The thought is that because they are thick and strong, they will be reused and then recycled. Plastic bags can be recycled, but it is a very difficult process.
During processing plastic bags frequently get stuck in the equipment. So the obstruction can be removed, this means the machinery has to routinely be shut down. The actual process of recycling plastic bags is time consuming and difficult, so many recycling facilities do not process or accept plastic bags. This means it is often difficult for a consumer to find a place to drop off their bags for recycling.
You can find places like home improvement stores or your local supermarket that usually take these bags, but they cannot be tossed easily into your home or office recycling bin.
Paper Bags Are Eco-Friendly
Many paper bags these days, like Kraft paper bags, are made from recycled paper right here in the USA. These environmentally friendly, recyclable bags come in a variety of sizes and can be imprinted with your company’s logo to increase your visibility and get you noticed. Your customers and prospects will get 2-3 uses from them and then they can be easily tossed into any recycling bin.
Woven Polypropylene Bags
Woven polypropylene (PP) bags are made from recycled plastic. The plastic is stretched into threads which are then woven together to create a fabric. This fabric is then used like any other fabric and sewn into reusable bags. Woven polypropylene bags can easily be recycled right into your recycling bin.
Non-Woven Polypropylene Bags
The process to make non-woven polypropylene bags is similar to woven polypropylene. The recycled plastic threads are bonded together to create a fabric. This fabric is then manufactured into recyclable bags. After they have fulfilled their usefulness non-woven polypropylene bags can be recycled.
RPET is another type of material that is made from recycled plastic and can be recycled itself. RPET is made from recycled plastic bottles. Again, the plastic is stretched into threads which are bonded together to create a soft material. This material can then be used to construct reusable and recyclable bags.
Find the Right Recyclable Bags for Your Brand
Recyclable bags create an eco-friendly way to promote your brand. By repurposing existing materials and continuing the process when they are no longer useful you can get the word out about your brand in a responsible and green way. To discuss your options in recyclable bags, contact Factory Direct Promos.