Are Plastic Bags Banned in Delaware?

The New Year is about new beginnings and Delaware started 2021 with a new law in place. As of January 1, 2021, single-use plastic bags are banned in Delaware.
Like all single-use plastic bag bans, there was some back-and-forth surrounding the new law. Plus, the uncertainty brought by COVID-19 changed so many of the plans in place, that many people questioned if Delaware’s plastic bag ban would still happen.
We’ve been following this story for a while, along with the entire bag ban movement. You can learn more about the movement by checking out our map of all bag bans above.
Let’s learn more about the plastic bag ban in Delaware and find out how your business can help people go plastic-free.
Delaware Bans Plastic Bags
The plastic bag ban bill was passed by both the Delaware Senate and House and received final approval from the governor on July 29, 2019. The ban was scheduled to begin on the first day of 2021.
While the Coronavirus pandemic altered both planned and existing bag bans, there were no alterations in Delaware. State-wide plastic bag bans in New York and Maine, as well as bans in countless cities across the United States, were all pushed back in response to the spread of COVID-19.
Officials in Delaware stuck to the plan and did not push back the start date of their ban.
Green Marketing
Shoppers still need a way to carry items home, so when disposable plastic bags are no longer available, a reusable alternative is needed.
Custom reusable shopping bags are that alternative.
Your customers will need to have reusable grocery bags and when those bags are customized with your branding information, your customers will also promote your business.
Going green with your marketing is good for the planet and lessens your brand’s environmental footprint. This type of marketing can also endear your brand to your customers. A lot of customers appreciate the effort and want to do business with brands that go green.
Help Your Customers and Grow Your Brand
Now that single-use plastic bags are banned in Delaware, shoppers throughout the state have a need for reusable shopping bags. This is a great time to promote your business with reusable bags.
Select the style, material, and color, and send us your artwork and we can help you create a unique promotional item that is sure to get lots of use.
As your customers head out to take care of their shopping they will put your branding information on display.
Stay Connected
We are passionate about going green and helping the planet and this is what motivates us to help our customers create completely custom reusable bags.
The right bag can help your customers connect with your brand and minimize the amount of plastic unleashed upon the world.
Find out when green news like plastic bag bans and more breaks and how these measures can impact your brand by signing up for our newsletter on this page.