Why The Leading Recycler in Boston LOVES Plastic Bag Bans

Why The Leading Recycler in Boston LOVES Plastic Bag Bans

We have mentioned numerous times on our blog how difficult, inefficient and expensive it is to recycle plastic bags. Now one of the biggest recycling companies in Boston is speaking out and throwing their support behind the plastic bag ban movement.

Single-use plastic bags are easy to recycle on their own, but the reality is these bags complicate the process and are not widely accepted in most recycling programs. When plastic bag bans go into action one business that benefits are recycling facilities. Learn more and find out just what sort of problems disposable plastic bags can cause in recycling facilities.

Will South Carolina Put an End to Plastic Bag Bans?

Will South Carolina Put an End to Plastic Bag Bans?

Plastic bag bans are spreading throughout the country as people embrace reusable shopping bags, but the plastic bag ban movement may be over in South Carolina just as things were getting underway. The South Carolina House of Representatives voted in favor of a bill that would essentially ban plastic bag bans.

Massachusetts Bag Ban Bill H 2121. What YOUR Business Needs to Know Now

Massachusetts Bag Ban Bill H 2121. What YOUR Business Needs to Know Now

Plastic bag bans are growing throughout the world and now is the time to get ready because a bag ban may be coming to Massachusetts. Both residents and businesses will need to adapt to this new law. In a 13-1 vote, the Senate approved, Massachusetts bag ban known as H 2121, and referred the proposal to the committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture. If approved, this would not be the first time a statewide bag ban has gone on the books as Massachusetts would join the ranks of the California bag ban.

Iowa City to Implement Apartment Recycling by End of 2018

Iowa City to Implement Apartment Recycling by End of 2018

A large rental market and low recycling rates pushed officials in Iowa City to take a stand. Renters in multifamily homes and apartment buildings typically do not recycle, but by the end of 2018 all multifamily apartments and condominiums with more than four units must provide recycling for tenants. The new law aims to streamline waste management to better serve the community, but an effective solution is required to address the difficulties renters face when recycling. Reusable recycling bags offer an easy solution for tenants, property managers and landlords to follow the new law.

Youth Lead The Way to Plastic Bag Ban in Bahamas

Youth Lead The Way to Plastic Bag Ban in Bahamas

After a youth group decided to step up and take action, The Bahamas are now about to implement a plastic bag ban. The Minister of Environment and Housing, the Honorable Romauld Ferreira, announced plans to put an end to plastic bag use throughout the country after reviewing a unique proposal from the students.

Will Taxes Change Behavior When It Comes to Plastic?

Will Taxes Change Behavior When It Comes to Plastic?

As discarded plastic builds up many governments are looking for solutions. The notion of charging fees on plastic packaging items has slowly been gaining in popularity. Disposable plastic bag fees are in place throughout the U.S. and a proposed British cup tax could drastically reduce plastic use. That is if consumers are willing to change their ways over a fee.

The British Crack Down on Plastic Continues

The British Crack Down on Plastic Continues

Great Britain is close to taking new efforts to reduce plastic trash. Using an overwhelmingly successful single-use plastic bag fee as inspiration, British officials are looking at the impact of other types of plastic and how to effectively handle such materials. If all goes according to plan the British crackdown on plastic will continue.

West Australia Set to Join Australia’s Existing Plastic Bag Bans

West Australia Set to Join Australia’s Existing Plastic Bag Bans

Support for plastic bag bans has been strong throughout Australia for many years. A recent push is set to implement bans almost across the entire country, save for one province. West Australia is about the join the plastic bag ban movement in a short 6 months. Read on to learn more about the bag ban movement in Australia, and particularly West Australia’s upcoming ban.

Will Plastic Bag Bans in Canada Grow Beyond Montreal?

Will Plastic Bag Bans in Canada Grow Beyond Montreal?

When the plastic bag ban movement takes root it slowly spreads and gains momentum. This is what happened in California and it is currently happening in Massachusetts. At the start of the year the Montreal plastic bag ban went into action and this has many people wondering if plastic bag bans are about to sweep through Canada.

Will Utah Be The Next State to Implement A Plastic Bag Fee?

Will Utah Be The Next State to Implement A Plastic Bag Fee?

Disposable shopping bags may be on the way out in Utah. Talk of plastic bag bans and fees have persisted for several years, with some cities in the Beehive State implementing measures to reduce or restrict use. A new proposal could levy a 10-cent fee that is aimed at driving use of reusable shopping bags instead.

Montreal Bag Ban…Here Is What Your Business Needs to Know

Montreal Bag Ban…Here Is What Your Business Needs to Know

Disposable plastic bags are officially banned in Montreal. Several other Canadian cities have implemented plastic bag bans, but Montreal is the first major city in Canada to enact such a law. A bag ban is a major accomplishment for the city and the environment. Like anything the ban will take some getting used to for both residents and businesses.

5 Recycling Trends On The Horizon for 2018

5 Recycling Trends On The Horizon for 2018

Many of the methods in place in the recycling and waste management industry are antiquated. Developments in the industry can lead to major changes that will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of how trash is handled. Technology is always changing things for the better, but setbacks are always impacting momentum. With all of this in mind here are five recycling trends we expect to see for 2018.

Stamford Connecticut Considers Plastic Bag Ban

Stamford Connecticut Considers Plastic Bag Ban

Plastic bag bans are sweeping the country and Stamford, Connecticut could be next to join the ranks of plastic-free cities. Representative John Zelinsky plans to introduce a bill that calls for a ban on single-use plastic bags. If passed, Stamford would be the first major city in the Constitution State to implement a plastic bag ban.

SaniPro Disposal Leads Waste Industry in Banning Plastic Bags

SaniPro Disposal Leads Waste Industry in Banning Plastic Bags

At the start of 2017, a disposable plastic bag ban became effective in New Castle, New York. The outfit that handles recycling pickup in this city, SaniPro Disposal, is taking things a step further and putting an end to picking up recyclables placed in plastic bags. This move further reduces the need and reliance on disposable plastic bags and helps pave the way for reusable recycling bags.

3 Ways Reusable Recycling Bags Solve Problems with Apartment Recycling

3 Ways Reusable Recycling Bags Solve Problems with Apartment Recycling

Apartment complexes and multi-family dwellings can generally be viewed as a microcosm of the broader community and planet. One issue that has been in the limelight within most communities is recycling, and it has been picking up steam because of the adverse effects trashed items like single-use plastic bags have on the planet.

4 Ways Reusable Recycling Bags Solve The Apartment Recycling Dilemma

4 Ways Reusable Recycling Bags Solve The Apartment Recycling Dilemma

Recycling makes sense. Repurposing items saves manufacturers from using virgin materials, and it often requires less energy to recycle than to create something from scratch. Despite the benefits of recycling, it is still challenging for some people to recycle – namely, people who live in multi-family homes or apartment buildings. That’s about to change thanks to reusable recycling bags.

Montreal Set to Join The List of Canadian Cities with Plastic Bag Bans

Montreal Set to Join The List of Canadian Cities with Plastic Bag Bans

Montreal plans to ring in the New Year by officially implementing their plastic bag ban. This measure has been many years in the making, but all of the hard work will pay off on January 1, 2018. Residents and officials alike both supported the ban due to the environmental impact of plastic. With no single-use bags available, shoppers will need to turn to reusable bags in order to carry goods home from the store.

Is The California Plastic Bag Ban Working To Reduce Litter?

Is The California Plastic Bag Ban Working To Reduce Litter?

In November of 2016 California voters approved a statewide plastic bag ban. The goal of the California bag ban was to reduce plastic bag litter, along with the cost to clean up the mess and the resulting environmental problems. One year after the plastic bag ban was passed residents have noticed the impact.