Texas Supreme Court Rules On Plastic Bag Bans

Texas Supreme Court Rules On Plastic Bag Bans

Future of Plastic Bag Bans Uncertain in Lone Star State Plastic bag bans have been sweeping through Texas, but that may soon change. The Texas Supreme Court recently made a ruling that will put an end to the bag ban in Laredo, and may impact other bans throughout the state. Many Texan cities have had […]

Latest News on Plastic Bag Bans in The United States

Latest News on Plastic Bag Bans in The United States

Find Out The Latest News on the Plastic Bag Ban Movement in The United States Efforts to ban single-use plastic bags are continuing to move forward all over the United States. Find out the latest news on which United States’ cities and towns have passed or are considering passing disposable plastic bag bans. Get a […]

Reusable Bag Materials: What Are Your Options?

Reusable Bag Materials: What Are Your Options?

Understanding Your Options Making the decision to promote your brand with custom reusable bags is eco-friendly and a solid marketing investment that will continue to pay out for many years. In order to make the most effective reusable bags for marketing, you also need to choose the right materials for your project. In this two-part […]

Do Plastic Bag Bans Work? Let’s See What The Science Says

Do Plastic Bag Bans Work? Let’s See What The Science Says

Research Determines If Bag Bans are Effective Plastic bag bans can be a divisive topic. Some people feel plastic bag bans are necessary to combat litter and the resulting environmental impact. Others argue plastic bag bans are unnecessary and increased awareness and recycling should be enough to address litter problems. Now science has an answer […]

Plastic Bag Bans and Your Brand Can Help Save The Penguins

Plastic Bag Bans and Your Brand Can Help Save The Penguins

Plastic Litter Having Harmful Impact on Penguins Plastic pollution is bad news, and conversationalist Pablo Borboroglu can attest firsthand to the deadly damage plastic litter can wreak on the environment and the animals who call it home. As the founder of the Global Penguin Society, Borboroglu has spent decades working across the southern hemisphere and […]

Multi-Family Residential Recycling Begins with The Bag at Waste Expo 2018

Multi-Family Residential Recycling Begins with The Bag at Waste Expo 2018

Solving The Multi-Family Residential Recycling Dilemma Recycling in multi-family unit dwellings is a challenge. Space is limited and compliance from and education for residents on your recycling program can be challenging. This week the crew from Factory Direct Promos is heading to Las Vegas for the 50th anniversary of the Waste Expo to share a solution that […]

Do Not Miss This Earth Day FLASH SALE on Insulated Totes!

Do Not Miss This Earth Day FLASH SALE on Insulated Totes!

Secure a Great Deal on These Reusable Insulated Totes We are running an eco-special on our reusable insulated totes in honor of Earth Day! For a limited time, you can take advantage of next column pricing on our Ecolife Insulated Tote! The Fine Print This eco special is available on orders placed on our Ecolife […]

Why Plastic Bag Bans Are Good for Wildlife

Why Plastic Bag Bans Are Good for Wildlife

Understanding How Disposable Products Impact Ecosystems Plastic bag bans are becoming more and more commonplace throughout the United States. Many cities, counties and even states are discussing passing such bans. Each municipality that passes a plastic bag ban has their own reasons. As a big part of their impetus to pass a ban, many cities cite the […]

Finally an Easy Way to Search for Plastic Bag Bans!

Finally an Easy Way to Search for Plastic Bag Bans!

Learn About the Plastic Bag Ban Movement The plastic bag ban movement is always expanding and changing. Keeping up can be a challenge. If you want to find out the status of a proposal in your city, or if you are looking for information on bag bans in a specific location, we have a solution! […]

Latest News on Plastic Bag Bans in the United States

Latest News on Plastic Bag Bans in the United States

Diverse Developments in the Plastic Bag Ban Movement Efforts to pass plastic bag bans are picking up all across the country while in some areas officials are attempting to thwart those efforts. We decided to take a look at the current state of plastic bag bans in the U.S. and what we found is intriguing. […]

How Do Plastic Bags Hurt Wildlife?

How Do Plastic Bags Hurt Wildlife?

Understanding Why Plastic Bag Bans Matter for Wildlife Many of the plastic bag bans passed are done so due to environmental concern. Plastic bags can be detrimental to animals and their habitats. In the past, we have covered how plastic pollution hurts wildlife. Recently we came across a video that really illustrates how plastic bags […]

What are the Negatives to Banning Plastic Bags?

What are the Negatives to Banning Plastic Bags?

Are Plastic Bag Bans Worth the Trouble? Plastic bag bans are gaining in popularity with cities, counties, states and even countries joining the movement. We have covered the two sides of the plastic bag ban debate before, and just last week we went over the positives to banning plastic bags. We decided to revisit whether […]

What Are The Positives to Banning Plastic Bags?

What Are The Positives to Banning Plastic Bags?

Do You See The Value of Plastic Bag Bans? Plastic bag bans can be a polarizing topic. Proponents claim they serve a purpose and do a lot of good, while opponents believe they are unnecessary and not worth the effort. We have written before about the pros and cons of banning plastic bags before. Let’s […]

How Do Microplastics Impact Your Health?

How Do Microplastics Impact Your Health?

Recent Study Finds More Than H2O In Your Bottled Water Bottled water is commonplace, but a recent study discovered that you may be getting more than just water with each sip. Research conducted by scientists at the State University of New York in Fredonia compared bottled water from all over the world. The objective was […]

Recycling is In Trouble. Here Is What Your Community Can Do!

Recycling is In Trouble. Here Is What Your Community Can Do!

Your Community Can Make a Positive Impact on Recycling. Here’s How. These are trying times for the recycling industry. A variety of challenges are forcing many facilities to close, and this ultimately impacts how trash and resources are handled. We covered the state of recycling in a post last week. Now, we want to look […]

The State of Recycling

The State of Recycling

Recycling is a challenging business and many recycling facilities are facing an uncertain future. From contaminated materials to dropping resale prices and even complaints about noise from neighbors, more and more facilities are closing down. Find out what this means for the state of recycling going forward.

Latest News on Plastic Bag Bans in New York

Latest News on Plastic Bag Bans in New York

For 10 years now, New York has struggled with efforts to pass bag fees or even plastic bag bans. Every time it seems like a fee is inevitable, there is a setback that erases the previous plans. While efforts have stalled in New York City, cities and counties throughout the rest of New York state have successfully passed plastic bag bans and fees. We have written about the pros and cons of banning plastic bags in the past. Keep reading to learn more about the plastic bag ban movement in New York state and check out our map of plastic bag bans to learn about the global movement.

What Are The Options for Apartment Recycling?

What Are The Options for Apartment Recycling?

Apartment recycling can be a challenge for both landlords or property managers and tenants. A solution that makes it easy and simple for tenants to collect recyclable items in order to later empty into a collection bin or dumpster has proven elusive. However, there are options for apartment recycling. Multi-family recycling options have proven to make the entire process easy and increase tenant recycling. Find out how to simplify apartment recycling with an easy, affordable and effective option.

Queen of England Bans Plastic Straws and Bottles But Forgets One Thing!

Queen of England Bans Plastic Straws and Bottles But Forgets One Thing!

Plastic straws and bottles will be phased out of all royal estates in a move intended to reduce the use of plastics. The Queen of England decided to take action after being inspired by veteran broadcaster and naturalist, David Attenborough.This move will certainly reduce the use of plastic, and as a result the negative environmental impacts; however, a lot of single-use plastics, like single-use plastic bags, will still be allowed. We think the Buckingham Palace needs their own custom reusable bags!