Recycled Kraft Paper Bags at Wholesale Pricing!

Recycled Kraft Paper Bags at Wholesale Pricing!

If you need custom branded bags for your business consider using recycled kraft paper bags. These bags can be customized with your branding information and are eco-friendly marketing tools. Kraft recycled paper shopping bags are ideal for retail businesses, restaurants, spas, and more.

3 Reasons Why You Should Go Reusable Now

3 Reasons Why You Should Go Reusable Now

Single-use plastic bags are expensive, from process of making them all the way down to the hidden charges that are worked into the cost of products you are buying. Since recycling is more costly than what it took to produce them originally, they often take their final form as trash that will pollute the earth for up to 1,000 years. This is why going reusable is so important.

Businesses Do Right by the Planet by Marketing with Eco-Friendly Bags

Businesses Do Right by the Planet by Marketing with Eco-Friendly Bags

The ocean is a beautiful, vast and awe-inspiring, invaluable resource. When the health of the ocean fails, the health of the entire planet and all of it’s inhabitants, will follow suit. In a recent article, Richard Branson breaks down the importance of the ocean and explains how protecting the ocean is everyone’s business.

His post, and the video he included in it, help to really bring home the idea that we are all responsible for protecting our oceans. Smart businesses are helping out and protecting the world’s oceans, while also getting their message seen by promoting their brand with eco-friendly bags.

Kids Can’t Vote But They Can Create Change! Florida Students Work to Reverse Ban on Plastic Bag Bans

Kids Can’t Vote But They Can Create Change! Florida Students Work to Reverse Ban on Plastic Bag Bans

A state law in Florida prohibits cities and municipalities from implementing plastic bag bans. A group of seventh- and eighth-graders is looking to change this law.

Students from The Benjamin School, a private school with campuses in North Palm Beach and Palm Beach Gardens, asked county officials to support plastic bag bans in local stores.

After hearing the student’s presentation the officials agreed and will look into the possibility of implementing a ban, which could be a game changer in Florida.

South Carolina Moves Closer to a Ban on Plastic Bag Bans

South Carolina Moves Closer to a Ban on Plastic Bag Bans

A bill in South Carolina will determine if municipalities can regulate “auxiliary containers,” such as disposable bags and cups. The bill covers a wide range of containers made from a variety of materials, but single-use plastic bags are at the center of the debate. Essentially, this measure will determine if cities, towns and counties can or cannot pass plastic bag bans.

The bill was recently sent to the House floor and state legislators will vote to decide. If passed South Carolina would join the ranks of Michigan where plastic bag bans were recently banned.

Plastic bag bans require a change in consumer behavior, but they can have a major impact for the better on the environment. Furthermore, plastic bag bans can have a significant impact on your brand’s marketing.

NYC Says NO to Reusable Shopping Bags

NYC Says NO to Reusable Shopping Bags

The 5-cent fee on disposable plastic plastic bags handed out in New York City that was set to go into action this month was recently canceled before it even got started. The motivation behind the measure was to discourage the use of disposable plastic bags and the resulting negative environmental impact, and encourage the use of reusable shopping bags. Despite a lot of support it turns out there was more opposition, and lawmakers overturned the ruling. While it looks like there is no immediate solution to address the plastic bag problem in NYC there are still ways to turn things around.

Positive and Negative Impacts of Existing Plastic Bag Bans

Positive and Negative Impacts of Existing Plastic Bag Bans

As the 2016 election came to a close and the votes were tallied, the California bag ban became a reality. As a result of the vote, large grocery stores, pharmacies and other retail stores are no longer allowed to provide single-use plastic bags to shoppers. So will switching to reusable grocery and shopping bags work? Well, there are a few cities and countries that are already seeing positive results after banning plastic bags in their location as a result of their bans on plastic bags. Read more to find out which ones and the results.

The Pros and Cons of the Michigan Ban on Plastic Bag Bans

The Pros and Cons of the Michigan Ban on Plastic Bag Bans

SB 853 was signed into law this past December becoming PA 389 by Michigan Lt. Gov. Brian Calley and prevents municipalities from banning or imposing fees on disposable plastic bags in the state. Single-use plastic bags have a big impact on the environment and this caused some in Michigan to push for bans or fees, but for others bans are viewed as inconvenient and there is concern bans may cause complications for local businesses and shoppers.

Reusable Bags vs. Recycled Bags: What’s the Difference?

Reusable Bags vs. Recycled Bags: What’s the Difference?

Across industries, people seem to be confused as to the difference between reusable and recycled items. Although they sound similar, they are actually two distinctive terms.

A recycled item often refers to something that can be reused, but unlike reusable items, it’s made of recycled materials. As part of the recycling process, things like plastic or glass bottles are broken down and turned into something new and completely different.

Reusable items, on the other hand, are something that you can reuse over and over again.

We’ve summarized some of the primary differences between reusable bags and recycled bags (below) to give our customers the information needed to make an educated purchasing decision.

The Two Sides of The Plastic Bag Ban Debate

The Two Sides of The Plastic Bag Ban Debate

In the last few years, disposable plastic bag bans are popping up all over the place. There is a strong movement to restrict the use of single-use plastic bags, but at the same time, there are groups fighting to stave off these measures. Lots of problems are blamed on plastic bags, but they seem pretty harmless.

California Grocers Association Supports California Bag Ban

California Grocers Association Supports California Bag Ban

When voters in California passed Prop 67 and ratified SB270, single-use plastic bags were prohibited throughout the entire state. Bag bans are nothing new in California; before the election 150 cities, counties and municipalities in the Golden State had bans in place. SB270 extends a disposable plastic bag ban to areas not already impacted by an existing ban; this measure also levies a 10-cent fee on paper bags. Many California shoppers have already established the habit of bringing their own reusable grocery bags to the store, and the California Grocers Association is confident the rest of the state’s residents will quickly get on board with the California bag ban.

Chicago Plastic Bag Ban Improves with Checkout Bag Tax

Chicago Plastic Bag Ban Improves with Checkout Bag Tax

Chicago has long worked toward finding a solution to the trash and litter generated by disposable bags. The Chicago plastic bag ban banned thin plastic bags but there was a big problem with the Chicago bag ban. A new bag tax is hoping to fix that and encourage the use of reusable shopping bags.

California Bag Ban: Answering the 7 Most Common Questions

California Bag Ban: Answering the 7 Most Common Questions

A movement to ban single-use plastic bags in favor of reusable grocery and shopping bags has grown and now California has voted to instate a statewide ban on plastic bags. Since they’ve banned single-use plastic bags we’ve put together a few of the most commonly asked questions (and answers) about the California bag ban.

Bag Ban Update Brings Marketing Opportunities for Your Business

Bag Ban Update Brings Marketing Opportunities for Your Business

There are always lots of exciting new developments in the plastic bag ban movement and each one brings opportunities to market your brand, business or retail outlet. We love bringing you the most recent updates because if you are doing business in any of these locations, this is the perfect time for a perfect marketing opportunity.

In this latest installment of our bag ban update, we have lots of new disposable bag bans and fees going into effect. We also have a couple instances of cities working to fine-tune their existing laws that you should be aware of.

There is certainly not a one-size-fits all approach to bag laws. A law that works for one city oftentimes will not work for another city, but as Chicago and Boulder are learning the laws they initially passed have had some unintended consequences or just no longer work as effectively. Keep reading to learn more.

New Research Shows U.S. Cities How to Manage Plastic Pollution Reduction

New Research Shows U.S. Cities How to Manage Plastic Pollution Reduction

Let’s face it, we all know pollution is a pain for cities. Besides the fact that litter is an eyesore, there are a lot of problems that stem from pollution like the higher taxes that are needed to pay for clean up efforts. For these reasons and more, eliminating pollution is appealing to many cities in the United States. Many cities across the U.S. are trying to resolve the problem by targeting one of the main offenders; single-use plastic bags.

There are a variety of ways a city or municipality can go about pollution reduction. The number of disposable plastic bag bans and fees being implemented is rising rapidly in the U.S., but how is a city to know which solution is the best for them? New research shows U.S. cities how to manage plastic pollution reduction.

Most Effective Methods to Reduce Disposable Plastic Bag Use

Most Effective Methods to Reduce Disposable Plastic Bag Use

Disposable plastic bags have become so commonplace we almost miss them rolling by us tossed through the wind like tumbleweeds. These thin-film bags are lightweight and make it so easy to carry groceries and other goods but they are no friend to the environment, wildlife or our food-chain. The advantages of disposable plastic bags are no match for the disadvantages. From using up nonrenewable resources, to posing a threat to the planet and wildlife, single-use plastic bags are more of a nuisance than a help. For these reasons laws regulating disposable plastic bags, either through bans or fees, are on the rise. When it comes to combating the negative impacts and effective methods to reduce consumer use of single-use plastic bags, a new study shows that bag bans and fees are the answer.