Plastic Bag Bans Are Sweeping Through Florida. Is Miami Beach Next?

Plastic Bag Bans Are Sweeping Through Florida. Is Miami Beach Next?

Miami Beach is poised to be the next Florida city to implement their own plastic bag ban. Officials in the City of Miami Beach unanimously passed an ordinance that would prohibit sidewalk cafes from handing out single-use disposable bags. Officials decided to move forward with a ban to reduce the litter that builds up on streets, and in parks, storm drains and waterways.

What Are Recycled Bags Made Of?

What Are Recycled Bags Made Of?

From promoting your brand to helping the planet, there are a lot of benefits of recycled bags. A common question is just what are these reusable bags from? We decided to take a closer look at recycled bags to get to the bottom of things and help you better understand how custom reusable bags can work for your brand.

St. Petersburg, Florida Plastic Bag Ban Faces Opposition from Retailers

St. Petersburg, Florida Plastic Bag Ban Faces Opposition from Retailers

Plastic bag bans may be spreading throughout Florida as St. Petersburg officials decide to move forward with a ban. In a 3-1 vote St. Pete’s environmental committee voted in favor of drafting a ban. Many supporters cite environmental concern as reason enough to ban disposable plastic bags in favor of custom reusable bags. Others, including the Florida Retail Federation, are not sure a ban is the best course of action.

Honolulu Plastic Bag Ban Finally Gets Real

Honolulu Plastic Bag Ban Finally Gets Real

Plastic bag bans are common in Hawaii. All of the counties that make up the archipelago have passed their own plastic bag bans, so the entire state is covered by a series of similar bans. Locals got behind the measure to ban bags in the city and county of Honolulu because they saw plastic bags as marring the natural beauty of their home. Tourism is also such a big part of the local economy that many residents felt there was value to preserving the beauty and pristine conditions of the area. With plastic bag bans in place, the idea was that everyone would switch to reusable grocery bags. That’s not exactly how things happened.

Tacoma Joins Long List of Plastic Bag Bans In Washington

Tacoma Joins Long List of Plastic Bag Bans In Washington

On Wednesday July 12, 2017 the Bring Your Own Bag Ordinance in Tacoma became official. Under this new law, disposable plastic bags are banned and paper bags are available for a 5-cent fee. The law impacts all retail businesses in Tacoma, including grocery stores, convenience stores, department stores, as well as temporary retailers and vendors at farmers markets and festivals.

Pennsylvania Governor Says No to Ban on Plastic Bag Bans

Pennsylvania Governor Says No to Ban on Plastic Bag Bans

The state of Pennsylvania has wrestled with plastic bag legislation for several years. As plastic bag bans have increased across the country, it just seemed that Pennsylvania could not seem to pass their own laws around bags. Luckily, that trend continued after the Governor vetoed House Bill 1071. This bill was written to prevent local municipalities from passing laws to regulate bags. This means towns, cities, and counties in Pennsylvania would not have been able to pass plastic bag bans.

Florida Plastic Bag Bans and The Florida Keys

Florida Plastic Bag Bans and The Florida Keys

For almost a decade it has been illegal for cities and counties in Florida to pass laws regulating disposable plastic bags. Efforts around plastic bag bans have continued to grow throughout the state. South Florida is definitely a hot bed for bag ban support.

Answering the 4 Most Pressing Questions About Plastic Bag Bans

Answering the 4 Most Pressing Questions About Plastic Bag Bans

Cities, states, and countries are banning or taxing plastic bags at an increased rate and sometimes the viability of these bans is put into question. In the grand scheme of things, plastic shopping bags aren’t new, but they do offer convenience to consumers. Still, convenience is not enough of a reason to continue their use, especially when excellent, eco-friendly alternatives exist.
According to the New York Times, plastic shopping bags were introduced in 1977, and they have had a grip on the environment ever since. Communities and consumers are growing wise to the harm that plastic bags can cause and are turning to reusable options. We have pinpointed 4 of the most pressing questions about plastic bag bans, and answer them below.

What Are The Effects of Banning Plastic Bags?

What Are The Effects of Banning Plastic Bags?

We’ve covered how single-use plastic bags harm the environment , but what are the effects of banning plastic bags? Disposable plastic bags are very likely to end up as litter, and can cause a lot of harm to ecosystems and food chains, as well as clogging storm drains, and just being an eyesore. When single-use plastic bags are no longer part of the picture, what does that picture look like?

Latest News on Minneapolis Plastic Bag Ban!

Latest News on Minneapolis Plastic Bag Ban!

Officials in Minneapolis began considering a single-use plastic bag ban in May of 2015. The proposal went through several versions. Ultimately, a 5-cent fee was levied on paper bags, and everything was set to go into effect on June 1, 2017. We have been following the plastic bag ban discussion in Minneapolis for a while now, so we were thrilled to see the measure pass. There have been several twists and turns in the saga to implement a plastic bag ban in Minneapolis, and as of right now the ban is on hold.

Bag Ban in Coral Gables…What Your Business Needs to Know

Bag Ban in Coral Gables…What Your Business Needs to Know

The Coral Gables plastic bag ban is good news for the environment, and it is also good news for businesses. Disposable plastic bags became popular due to their lightweight construction, but there are a lot of environmental trade offs. These single-use bags are made from nonrenewable resources, they are exceedingly difficult and costly to recycle and are very likely to end up as litter. Plastic bag bans put an end to all of these negative impacts, while also creating an opportunity for your business to help your clients as you promote your brand.

First, know that the bag ban is now in full effect with a one-year implementation program that includes education for retailers and consumers, as well as the opportunity for retailers to use their existing inventory of single-use plastic bags. There seems to be a genuine desire by the city of Coral Gables to help both retailers and consumers become educated and excited about the ban. Retailers are strongly encouraged to educate their employees to promote reusable bags and post signs to educate consumers about the ban.

Plastic Bag Ban in Coral Gables Becomes First in Florida

Plastic Bag Ban in Coral Gables Becomes First in Florida

In an unanimous vote Coral Gables’ Commissioners approved a disposable plastic bag ban. Retailers will have a year to implement the plastic bag ban. After that time violators will be fined. Retailers are allowed to provide reusable compostable or paper bags for free or for a fee at their choosing. Enforcement of the ban and fines are effective immediately for special events.

The passing of this law is positive news for Palm Beach County, Jacksonville Beach and the Florida Keys as all areas in Florida trying to implement bans of their own.

3 Ways to Make The California Bag Ban Work for Your Business

3 Ways to Make The California Bag Ban Work for Your Business

When California passed a disposable plastic bag ban this was big news for the environment. We have told you what your business needs to know about the California bag ban. In can take time, but once shoppers form the habit of bringing their reusable bags to the store bag bans can also help retailers. It is worth noting that the California Grocers Association supports the California bag ban. The positive impact extends to other businesses, too. Here are 3 ways to make the California bag ban work for your brand.

What Cities Have Banned Plastic Bags?

What Cities Have Banned Plastic Bags?

Plastic bag bans began to gain traction around 2007 when San Francisco approved a law prohibiting disposable plastic bags in certain retail establishments. San Francisco’s ban was not implemented until 2012, and it was expanded in 2013, but ever since the law was first approved, plastic bag bans have continued to pop up.

We have highlighted below several cities that have plastic bag bans in place. To learn more and see the plastic bag ban movement as a whole, check out our bag ban map. Our bag ban map of the entire world shows which cities have banned plastic bags, implemented bag fees, and shows those cities that have had failed bag bans. You can also get a quick alphabetical list of cities that have plastic bag bans on our Top Green Cities in the U.S. page.

Vermont on The Verge of a Plastic Bag Ban or Fee?

Vermont on The Verge of a Plastic Bag Ban or Fee?

Vermont has considered measures to ban or levy fees on disposable plastic bags for many years, but two proposals in Vermont could put an end to, or at least significantly reduce the use of disposable bags.

One measure would ban single-use plastic bags and nonrecyclable paper bags. The second measure would impose a 10-cent fee per bag handed out at the checkout.

Both proposals have already missed key legislative deadlines, so they will not pass during this session. The earliest a ban or fee could pass would be 2018.

Bad News for The Environment as Iowa Bans Plastic Bag Bans

Bad News for The Environment as Iowa Bans Plastic Bag Bans

Iowa has joined the ranks of Michigan, Arizona, and Florida with a recently passed piece of legislation that prevents cities and counties within the state from passing plastic bag bans, or measures that would levy fees or taxes on disposable plastic bags. There was interest in several Iowa communities in banning plastic bags, and as is typically the case, once one municipality passes a ban neighboring cities and counties will follow their lead. Plastic bag bans prevent environmental harm and can be good for the planet and communities. It’s disappointing news when we hear about bans on plastic bag bans becoming a reality.

Plastic Bag Bans Matter! Here’s How to Start a Bag Ban in Your Community

Plastic Bag Bans Matter! Here’s How to Start a Bag Ban in Your Community

Single-use plastic bag bans are becoming more common and sought after by communities and states like California that want to protect our environment. Plastic bag bans allow communities to prevent litter, and the resulting harm and costs caused by litter and its clean up.

Even as some states are looking to limit or ban plastic bag bans, there is still a very strong movement and increased interest in plastic bag bans. Have you thought about starting a bag ban in your hometown? We’ve outlined the steps to starting a plastic ban ban in your community, but here are some more tips to help you implement plastic bag bans.

Update on Coral Gables Plastic Bag Ban

Update on Coral Gables Plastic Bag Ban

Coral Gables is on the verge of becoming the first city in Florida to pass a ban on single-use plastic bags! The proposal already passed the first vote. A second and final vote was scheduled for March 28, but unfortunately, that vote did not happen. As of now the vote is on hold and the future of the bag ban in Coral Gables is still undecided. If approved, the ban would prevent the use of single-use plastic bags at city special events and by retailers.

Here’s The Easy Way to Remember Your Reusable Bags

Here’s The Easy Way to Remember Your Reusable Bags

Making the switch to reusable bags can take some getting used to and forming the habit of grabbing your bags is a must. Until that habit is formed it can be frustrating when you find yourself at the checkout without your bags, but we are here to help with tips for creating a habit.

New research shows that is does not take just 21 days, as was previously thought, to create a new habit, but on average it takes 66 days to form a habit. The easy way to remember your reusable bags is to keep using these tips until grabbing your bags becomes habit.

Why Minnesota Wants a Ban on Plastic Bag Bans

Why Minnesota Wants a Ban on Plastic Bag Bans

Disposable plastic bag bans are gaining visibility in Minnesota and we think that’s great. In fact, Minneapolis passed a plastic bag ban that goes into action in June. Duluth is also considering implementing a bag ban of their own.

Still, some state lawmakers are not on board with this trend, and are discussing a bill to ban plastic bag bans. Although there is a lot of support to ban plastic bags due to the environmental impact, a new movement is forming in response to the state’s efforts to ban plastic bag bans. Read on to find out why Minnesota is working to put an end to plastic bag bans in their state.